aha Moments
Every Wednesday morning I send out to my email list an uplifting thought, something positive to help you get through the week. These are thoughts to perhaps give you a different perspective on living life with more joy and happiness. Join me on my quest toward a more conscious life, seeing the same old things with different eyes. Enjoy a few of my aha Moments here!
Enlightenment changes nothing, but it changes everything. Enlightenment does not change the physical world, but it changes how we view the physical world. with Enlightenment our view of the world moves away from conflict and ego and moves toward peace and compassion. The Buddha said, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, […]
I continue to be inspired by those who give of their time and talent. They quietly give of themselves in the pure home that someone else’s life might be better. They seek no fanfare or applause. They may never win an award, but that doesn’t concern them. They give without any expectation of reward. These […]
Embrace Your Own Uniqueness
Embrace your own uniqueness. There is no one exactly like you. Play to your strengths. Play to your likes. You make the world a very interesting place to live. By expressing your uniqueness you give others permission to express theirs.
1 Thousand Dollars
If someone gave you one thousand dollars and you had to spend it today, would you buy something that you didn’t want? Of course not! Then why do you spend the currency of your thoughts always thinking about things we don’t want?
What Will Your Legacy Be?
What will your legacy be? When you leave this earth, what will you have done to leave the world a better place? What gifts and talents have you been blessed with? Are you using them to their fullest potential?
Give Them A Call
Today, make it a point to telephone your oldest relative. Recall some of the fun family experiences. It will brighten up your day as well as hers. If you have no old relatives, call the oldest person you know.
It’s Worth a Try
The other day I came down with what I thought was a severe allergy attack: runny nose, crazy sneezing and a deep cough that made my stomach hurt. I was all set to seek medical attention, fearing it might be bronchitis or maybe even pneumonia. I took some over the counter remedies and dug deep […]
Age is not an Excuse
Two elderly women were walking through a shopping mall when they passed a music store with a beautiful grand piano in the showroom window. One woman said to the other, “You know, I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano. But do you know how old I’ll be by the time I learn how […]
You Are Loveable
You are loveable. You are not your faults. You are not your shortcomings. The more you love yourself, the more you can love others. The more you love yourself, the more others can love you.. Fall in love with yourself; you are perfect just as you are.
Become an Inverse Paranoid
Become an “inverse paranoid” (Jack Canfield’s term). What if, instead of believing the world is out to do you harm, you chose to believe that the world is plotting to do you good. Imagine how much easier it would be to succeed in life if you were constantly expecting the world to support you and […]
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Mindful Morsels for Simple Happiness